Huon Valley councillors began their term in November 2022.
“I took on the role of Acting Mayor in March 2022. Stepping into any leadership role is challenging, particularly so during difficult times. It required me to step up and deal with the challenges head-on and I’m truly grateful for the support I received from the community over this time. Anyone willing to put their hand up to stand for council believes they have the best interest of the community at heart. For me, encouraging and fostering positive change in the community is what drives me as a councillor and mayor. I love the Huon Valley, our home, and can’t wait to see what its future holds.”
Committee membership:
- General Managers Performance Review Committee – Chair
- Huonville Recreation Area Management Advisory Committee – Chair
- Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT)
- Southern Tasmanian Council Authority (STCA)
- STCA Waste
- Southern Tasmania Regional Waste Authority (STRWA)
- TasWater
Phone: 0409 437 815
Media enquiries: (03) 6264 0314
- Audit Panel
- GM Performance Review Committee
- Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) – Proxy
- Southern Tasmanian Council Authority (STCA) – Proxy
- TasWater – Proxy
Phone: 0472 639 380
“When my family visited the Huon in 2006, we loved the people and place so much that we sold our house and business and moved here – the best thing we’ve ever done! Over a thirty-year career as an Architect and Builder I have developed skills in creative thinking as well as the hands-on practicality of getting things built. The greatest skill I’ve learned, however, is working with people – tradies, clients and consultants. Teamwork gets the best results on a finite budget. As climate change escalates, I believe a strong community across the Huon is our best resource. I focus my energy on empowering people and building connections across the Valley. I am active in many local groups, particularly Cygnet Cares Suicide Prevention Network. I was elected as a Greens Council in 2018.”
Committee membership:
- Huon Valley Arts and Culture Committee – Chair
Phone: 0497 569 989
“As a forever resident of the Valley, myself and my husband have raised our three children here. We reside in the most beautiful little piece of country, amongst an amazing community. Representing the Huon Valley in a positive, progressive direction moving forward is very important to me. Having owned and operated a business for fourteen years has allowed me to really connect with the people of the valley, and my role as a councillor will ensure I continue to do so.”
Committee membership:
- General Managers Performance Review Committee
Phone: 0467 641 113
“I have lived in the Huon Valley my entire life, with my descendants settling here many generations ago and have a long association with the land. I feel this stability and longevity gives me a good grounding to make balanced and sensible decisions for the future of the Huon Valley.
I have always been community minded, taking on leadership roles in local schools and sporting clubs for long periods of time. Now that I’m approaching retirement I feel I could have something to offer local government.
I value hard work, compassion and honesty.
Things I would like to have some effect on in Council:
- Simplify the planning scheme and ensure it gives the same outcome for all ratepayers
- Ensure the planning scheme is easy to navigate, with clear direction and outcomes
- Ensure our future generations can afford to own a house and live in our Valley
- Fight a good fight against Red Tape and Bureaucracy. I would like to see our community become more resilient to risk and less bogged down in reports and focus groups”.
Committee membership:
- General Managers Performance Review Committee
- Marine Facilities Advisory Committee – Chair
Phone: 0458 376 594
“I value the rural lifestyle that we have in the Huon Valley, which is what attracted me first to Crabtree and then to Geeveston where I have a 200ac farm alongside the Kermandie River. The unique blend of agriculture and lifestyle makes the Huon both an exciting and diverse place to live and in the 15 years I have been here I have met people with great stories and ideas for how to live a productive life in the Valley. In my day job I am CEO of a disability service that supports over 300 people with a disability and employs 450 staff in Southern Tasmania.”
Committee membership:
- Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Committee – Chair
- Ranelagh Recreation Area Management Advisory Committee- Chair
Phone: 0412 430 982
“I’m committed to the Huon Valley and its unique mix of pastoral lifestyle, natural beauty and creative, caring people. I’m grateful to have been given the chance to help maintain the things we love about living here, better prepare us for current and future challenges, and strengthen the connection between the council and community. I’m passionate about making things easier for people in need, reducing waste, looking after our natural environment, and transparent, careful decision-making aligned to community need.”
Committee membership:
- Southern Tasmania Regional Waste Authority (STRWA)-substitute
Phone: 0419 403 467
“I was born and raised in Geeveston and have worked and run a business in the Huon all my life. I believe the knowledge and experience I have gained in my business has provided me with the skills to listen, respect and understand the needs of our community. I believe in leading from the front and working to ensure the best outcomes for the residents of the Huon Valley.”
Committee membership:
- Audit Panel
- Huon Valley Emergency Management Committee – Chair
Phone: 0418 996 171
“I live in Port Huon with my young family, the fourth generation on our small farm. My work in forestry and auditing empowers me with an understanding of land management and planning issues. I have a strong governance background after serving on regulatory and sporting boards. Having lived in small and large communities and worked with complex and difficult issues, I’m committed to finding inclusive solutions founded on open communication and clear values.”
Phone: 0407 651 200
Email all councillors: