Long-term support for bushfire affected communities
Find out what the Hodgman Liberal Government is doing long term to support bushfire affected communities. Please see the media release below.
3 June 2019
Will Hodgman, Premier
Long-term support for bushfire affected communities
The 2018-19 Bushfires Final Recovery Plan will guide the long-term recovery activities for the regions most affected – the Huon Valley, Derwent Valley, Central Highlands and the West Coast.
Released today, the Plan outlines the actions that will be undertaken to assist communities under five priority outcome areas:
- social recovery;
- infrastructure recovery;
- economic recovery;
- environmental recovery; and
- identifying and sharing learnings from the recovery process.
A centrepiece of the Recovery Plan is the $9.9 million Community Recovery Fund initiative, co-funded with the Commonwealth Government, under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
The Community Recovery Fund will provide for the restoration of assets in our National Parks and reserves, drive tourism attraction to affected municipalities and enable the employment of Economic and Community Recovery Officers.
A key objective of the Tasmanian Liberal Government has been to support community-led recovery. The Recovery Plan is designed to support communities affected by the bushfires to identify their own needs and drive recovery efforts over the long-term.
With the Recovery Plan now in place, the Bushfire Recovery Taskforce will cease. I would like to thank Recovery Coordinator, Michael Stevens, and Departmental staff who led the initial response and supported affected communities in the aftermath of the summer bushfires.
The 2018-19 Bushfires Final Recovery Plan is now available at www.tasalert.com/recovery