Consultancy firm KPMG has been appointed to undertake a study on current and future workforce planning for the Huon Valley Council municipal area.
The study take a broad view of the region’s workforce and will involve strong engagement with stakeholders from all major and growing industry sectors in the Huon Valley. Outcomes from consultations with local businesses, recruitment providers, training institutions and government will be combined with detailed demographic data to provide an in-depth analysis of workforce and training supply and demand in the region.
Key aims of the study are to:
- Provide an understanding of workforce planning and development opportunities
- Understand the region’s current and future workforce capability and capacity
- Identify ways to close emerging gaps between current and required workforce
The actions identified in the study will provide an important resource for local industries and businesses to assist with forward planning for business needs and growth opportunities, and provide vital information for grant and loan applications and business case development.
By encouraging openness and collaboration between local industries, educational institutions and training providers, it is expected that the study will improve job opportunities and strengthen our economy throughout the Valley.
The draft study is expected to be tabled at an Ordinary Meeting of Council in late May 2020. The aim of the study is to provide a clear action plan that all stakeholders, including Council, industry, local employers, training and support intermediaries, as well as employees, will collectively own and take responsibility for implementing.
Funding for the study development was allocated in Council’s budget for 2019/20.
If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Economic Development team on (03) 6264 0300.