Weed of the Month (August): Bridal Creeper
Bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides) is one of a group of several ‘asparagus weeds’ that are declared under the Tasmanian Weed Management Act 1999. Initially introduced to Australia as hanging basket and garden plants, asparagus weeds have been spread far and wide by birds and other animals that eat the small, fleshy fruits.
Asparagus weeds are aggressive, vine-like plants that grow quickly to form tall thickets of foliage that climb over and smother other vegetation. They are difficult to control because they form large, dense, and long-lived clumps of tubers and root systems. Soil disturbance can result in tubers or root fragments being spread to new areas, where they create new infestations.
Bridal creeper is the only asparagus weed known to grow in the Huon Valley, where it is currently restricted to only three known locations. It has been found in gardens of older homes, and is not yet known to have ‘escaped’ into bushland or crops. This means that, with continued effort, bridal creeper can be completely eradicated from the Huon Valley.
Have you seen it?
- Twining stems up to 3m long
- Small, hard and pointy leaves that grow alternately (not opposite each other)
- Small white flowers produced in late winter to early spring
- Pea-sized fruits form in spring, first green then maturing to red
We need your help to eradicate this weed from the Huon Valley.
Please report local sightings to Council:
Weed Management Officer
(03) 6264 0300
Information on weed management, including developing your own weed management plan, can be found on our Weeds and the Huon Valley webpage.
Look-alike plants
Wandering creeper (Tradescantia species) is sometimes mistaken for bridal creeper. This plant has much larger leaves, and the leaves and stems are soft and can be crushed in your hand, unlike bridal creeper.
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