Supporting sport and recreation in our communities
Open spaces, sport and recreation are essential to the quality of life we enjoy in the Huon Valley, supporting our social activities, healthy living and community connections.
The Huon Valley Council is pleased to release the Huon Valley Recreation Plan, a ten-year guide for future planning, development and management of sport and recreation in our communities.
The plan takes a broad view of our local recreation facilities, activities and services, noting areas that need improvement and identifying opportunities for building stronger connections between recreation and tourism.
The plan provides four Future Directions with recommended actions to be undertaken by Council, local stakeholders, sporting clubs and groups, according to their level of priority.
The Huon Valley Recreation Plan is available to view on our Plans and Strategies page, and you can read a hardcopy at our Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.
If you have any questions about the study, please call us on (03) 6264 0300 or email