Huon Valley Hub Open Day a great success
There was a fantastic turnout for the Huon Valley Hub Open Day on Friday 4 December, with many community members and school students coming by to chat to local service providers, explore their new social space, discuss ideas for improving Huonville, take part in activities, and enjoy some live music.
Thanks to everyone who came along and made the day a great success!
Dean from the Town Teams movement chatted with community members and students from Huonville High School and Huonville Primary School about how the community can make Huonville a better place.
Simon Devine, Store Manager of Woolworths Huonville, kindly donated an AED/defibrillator for the Huon Valley Hub, as well as plenty of sausages and bread for Open Day.
Young people gathered in the Green Space to share ideas for what they want to see more of in town, while the Salvation Army Huonville ran the barbecue, handing out sausages and smiles to everyone who came by.
Local musician Teresa Dixon provided beautiful live tunes in the Green Space.
Huon Valley Council General Manager Emilio Reale added his thoughts on the day to the blackboard.