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Huon Valley Council Land Strategy


Huon Valley Council’s assets include a wide range of physical spaces, infrastructure and machinery, such as parks, roads, walking tracks and vehicles. To ensure that assets such as land and buildings are owned for a clear purpose, the Council developed a Land Strategy in 2017.

Key points:

  • Council currently owns 179 land titles, covering 844.9 hectares. This excludes roads and 30+ Crown Land properties leased or licenced by Council (such as the Franklin Foreshore and Southport Boat Ramp).
  • The Land Strategy helps Council ensure we make the most of the land we own and achieve a good return for the community.
  • Council is moving forward with actions under the Land Strategy after developing a Disposal and Sale of Land Policy and reviewing the land it owns against that policy.

The Land Strategy guides us in how we review and assess land to ensure we can make the most use of the land and achieve a good return whether financially, for the community or environment. We also use the strategy to consider how land can be used to create development opportunities or provide funds for future land purchases that will achieve our strategic goals.

The Land Strategy helps us to know when land is no longer fit for purpose, or not needed for our strategic requirements.

Some of the properties that Council owns are underused or vacant, which means they are not providing any financial, community or environmental benefit to offset the risk and costs that come with ownership.

These risks and costs include:

  • Maintenance such as weed management, mowing and bushfire risk reduction
  • Land tax (the properties listed below account for approximately 25% of Council’s $113,800 annual Land Tax bill)
  • Unauthorised behaviour like wood ‘hooking’, trespassing, vandalism and illegal dumping
  • Bushfire hazard maintenance
  • Potential boundary fencing contribution.

Following the impacts of COVID-19, Council has renewed its focus on what is done with land. To set out a path forward, Council adopted the recommendations from a Land Strategy review at its February 2021 Council Meeting. An open report will be provided at the March 2021 Meeting providing further information, not including matters of a commercial nature.

Properties that have been identified for disposal

PropertyCurrent useCouncil decision
Cygnet Coast Road, Lymington
(PID: 7254265 & 7254257)
Two blocks of vacant land for which Council has no future plans. To sell on the open market
Liddells Road, Crabtree
(PID: 9710591)
Large block of vacant land, originally purchased to protect water catchment. This has since been resolved through subdivision with TasWater ownership and management of the appropriate land.To sell remaining land on the open market
Huon Highway, Geeveston
(PID: 7175970)
This land contains the newly constructed Port Huon to Geeveston Walking Track. However, most of the land is vacant.Subdivide track area and then sell balance of land on the open market.
Fourfoot Road, Geeveston
(PID: 5250527)
Unused land that is covered with high natural values and acts as a scenic backdrop to Geeveston.Council’s NRM unit is developing a proposal for its management. If, however, this does not progress then dispose of land in conjunction with adjoining land at 7175970.
27 Rocky Creek Road, Crabtree
(PID: 5696166)
A disused fluoridation plant on a very small block of 133m2 with nominal value that has been enclosed in adjoining land (prior to that blocks sale to current owners).Direct negotiation with adjoining landowner to dispose of land as there is no other realistic use.
187a Wilmot Road, Ranelagh
(PID: 3396119)
Vacant land next to sewerage lagoons. Council has subdivided an area of public open space adjoining the foreshore.Sell land on open market.

Council may consider use of funds from the sale of the land to be made available for development of public land within Ranelagh including for walking track linkages.
61 Station Road, Dover
(PID: 5267599)
Vacant land, after acquisition for widening the junction at Station Road and Kent Beach Road. Explore offer of land swap for land in Huonville with greater strategic significance. If this does not progress, sell on open market.
11 Church Street, Geeveston
(PID: 5254368)
This contains Geeveston Library. Continue discussions with Education Department (the Crown) regarding future ownership. Otherwise, this could be placed on the market for sale with the lease in place.
Scenic Hill Road, Huonville
(Title C/T: 83928/1 small part of the larger PID: 3147876)
A small block of land that was overlooked with land transfers to TasWater. Primary use is access. This is not the main former quarry or supporting site. Dispose through offers to adjoining landowners.

Properties that would better serve the community if owned by a community organisation

PropertyCurrent useCouncil decision
Huon FM, 10 School Road, Geeveston
(PID: 5257390)
This building has been home to Huon FM since 1992. It needs investment to fulfill Huon FM’s future plans. The building during this time has been leased under a community lease for a nominal amount. By transferring the building Council is helping secure the community broadcaster’s future.Transfer freehold to Huon FM on a reversionary covenant (this means if Huon FM stops using the building then ownership can revert to Council).
Harwoods Common, Castle Forbes Bay Road, Castle Forbes Bay
(PID: 1853531)
Crack willow, blackberry and weed infested area of former weir that Castle Forbes Bay Landcare Group have been tackling in recent years and opening up as a community space.Transfer freehold to Castle Forbes Bay Landcare Group under a reversionary covenant.

Properties to have further community engagement

PropertyCurrent useCouncil decision
“Memorial Drive”
58 Kent Street, Geeveston
(PID: 2208956)
Some of this land is used by Scrubby Hill Farm (GeCo) and Tasmanian Trails, the remainder being vacant. Possibility of securing tenure for Scrubby Hill Farm, a better site for Tasmanian Trails, while also developing private lots, housing affordability initiative, and public open space. Undertake community engagement at involve level to evaluate in principal support, or otherwise, to identify development proposals for the land. This will happen later in 2021.
“Old School Farm”
14 George Street, Cygnet

8 George Street, Cygnet

20 Golden Valley Road, Cygnet

(PID: 7830242, 7672344 & 2036840)
Currently vacant land. Possibility, similar to above, of a flexible approach to developing the land to reflect community’s interest in the outcomes as shown in the Cygnet Association’s 2018 engagement on the land’s future. Undertake community engagement at involve level to evaluate in principal support, or otherwise, to identify development proposals for the land. This will happen later in 2021.
16 Frankcomb Street, Huonville
(PID: 5701076)
Vacant open space lot as part of original subdivision. However, land is currently unused and unsuitable for public park. Ask residents opinions as subdivision could protect stormwater asset and create a house-site-sized block of unused vacant land that could be sold on the open market.Classed as ‘public land’ and dedicated as public open space. A statutory process of public community engagement will be undertaken to understand if the land is used or should be sold.

Project update - June 2021

Following reports presented at the February and March Council meetings, the Council has resolved to sell the following properties on the open market by private treaty:

  • Cygnet Coast Road (west), Lymington (PID 7254257)
  • Cygnet Coast Road (east), Lymington (PID 7254265)
  • Liddells Road, Crabtree (PID 9710591)
  • 187a Wilmot Road, Ranelagh (PID 9427077)

We are pleased to announce that Homelands Property will be marketing and handling the sale of these properties.

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Project update - May 2021

At its 28 April meeting, in closed council, the Huon Valley Council considered the plan for the sale of properties at Cygnet Coast Road in Lymington, Liddells Road in Crabtree, and Helen Street/Wilmot Road in Ranelagh.

More information will be provided as the sales are progressed in accordance with our Sale and Disposal of Land Policy.