Making Marks: A celebration of children’s art travelling exhibition
B4 Early Years Coalition media release
23 March 2021
Today the Making Marks Travelling Art Exhibition opens in the Huon Valley. A celebration of very young children’s art from across Tasmania. The exhibition showcases 28 artworks from all regions of Tasmania created by artists from birth to four years of age.
The exhibition was initially launched in Hobart in September 2019 receiving overwhelmingly positive review, as described by one attendee:
“An amazing collection of children’s creativity, such a beautiful representation of the importance of children’s art.”
The exhibition has been on its regional tour across Tasmania since 2020, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and interact with the works. The travelling exhibition features the ideas of very young children, making marks with the earth, exploring materials and tools, bringing shapes together, creating representations and combining music, movements and marks.
Deputy Mayor Sally Doyle joined B4 Leader Di Nailon and Project Officer Annette Fuller to open the travelling children’s art exhibition
Building from the workshops and exhibition B4 has develop a great new resource Making Marks: The Development of Children’s Drawing that is officially launched today. Taking you along the journey of children’s art and their artistic development from their earliest scribbles to finding ways to represent objects.
Making Marks is proudly supported by the B4 Early Years Coalition (B4) and partners[1] and the children, parents, carers, families and educators who have contributed to the exhibition and made it possible.
“Through mark-making, children develop their relationships with materials, people and place and in so doing grow their ‘voice’ – unique ways of seeing and telling their stories.”
Elizabeth Daly, B4 Co-Chair
B4 Leader Di Nailon and Project Officer Annette Fuller view Giraffe (2019) by Darcey Reynolds, age 3
The exhibition will be open from Tuesday 23 March 2021 through until Friday 9 April 2021 at the Huon Valley Hub, 23–25 Main Street, Huonville.
B4 is an initiative of the Tasmanian Government connecting, supporting, engaging with, and encouraging individuals and organisations to work together to ensure every child in Tasmania, is cared for and nurtured through the early years, no matter what.
For further information contact Annette Fuller B4 Senior Project Officer 03 616 55666.
[1] Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Tasmania, Huon Valley Council, Lady Gowrie Tasmania, Goodstart Early Learning, Northern Children’s Network, All That We Are, Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM and the Tasmanian Museum and Gallery (TMAG).