Lockdown in Southern Tasmania
The State Government has announced a three-day lock down for Southern Tasmanian starting at 6pm today (15 October 2021).
The lockdown is needed to identify if there are further cases of COVID-19 in the community.
In short, the lock down means everyone must stay home unless:
- Shopping for urgent household supplies within 5 km of home — only one person from a household at any one time.
- Attending medical or health care appointments, including COVID-19 testing or vaccinations.
- A permitted worker — a person working for a provider or business that is permitted to operate, and who cannot work from home.
- Going to school — if the child of a permitted worker, or if unable to learn at home, or going to child care.
- Exercising once per day outdoors within 5 km of home for up to two hours — alone or with your household or with one other person for safety reasons.
- Caring for a vulnerable person or for other compassionate reasons.
- In other permitted circumstances, such as in an emergency or to escape harm relating to family violence.
For all the information on this lockdown go to www.coronavirus.tas.gov.au or call the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 677 738.
What this means for the Huon Valley and Council services:
– Events throughout the Valley during the lockdown have been cancelled
– Halls are closed
– Playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment, community halls and sports facilities are all closed
– Public toilets remain open
– Parks and reserve for permitted recreation remain open
– Transfer stations are closed except for Huonville. The Reuse shop is also closed.
Our Customer Service remains open however we encourage you to call 6264 0300 or email HVC@huonvalley.tas.gov.au