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Intention to sell public land


The Huon Valley Council has resolved its intention to sell a portion of public land at Huonville.

The portion of land is part of Certificate of Title Volume 126804 Folio 1 title 40-72 Wilmot Road, Huonville.  That title contains the Huonville Recreation Ground sporting precinct and is public land under the Local Government Act 1993 as it provides recreation and sporting facilities for public use.

The portion of land to be sold is physically separated from the sporting precinct by Tennis Court Road.

The portion of land is an area of approximately 177 square metres (final area subject to subdivision approval and final survey) and has been fenced in and used as part of the property at 83 Main Street, Huonville for over 50 years.

See outlined in red on the following plan:


Key Dates

  • 22/2/2022 Objections received by Council
  • 30/3/2022 Council meeting