The Story of Glen Huon Playground
The new tyre swing in Glen Huon is likely to become just as loved as the old tyre swing it replaced. But it’s not easy replacing a much loved piece of playground equipment, particularly when people have strong memories associated with something that’s been in their lives for a long time.
When it came time to review the old Glen Huon playground, we worked closely with the Glen Huon Hall Committee and the local community to understand what it was that they wanted.
“We wanted to make sure we weren’t just ripping out a playground and putting in something that the community didn’t want,” Community Engagement Officer, Lisa Plohl said.
It’s their community, it’s where they live and play, so of course they want to be involved in any of the decisions we make on their behalf.”
Watch this film to find out the story of the Glen Huon tyre swing and the community engagement that occurred around it to ensure the voices of the community were heard.
Thank you to Rebecca Dewhurst, Ann Free, Lisa Plohl and Rebecca Bell. And thank you also to our funding project partners Huon Valley Financial Services, the Federal Government – Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program and Huon Valley Council.
Filmed by Mick Lowenstein.