You Matter. Your Perspective Matters.
Community conversations is a way for you to engage with us in a new and welcoming way. We want you to feel uninhibited and share any ideas or concerns you may have for your community. We want to hear what local communities issues are important to you, what you love and what you don’t love, and figure out a way forward together.
What to expect
Using a world café style of engagement, we will chat about what people care about in their specific area and how they see their local community issues. We will explore community issues and how we can work together to achieve outcomes and solutions.
What happens after
We will collate what we hear from the community and provide responses back to the community following this session. We are aware that there may be some community issues that are beyond our control. We will endeavour to provide a response to all the issues and questions.
Upcoming Community Chats
Keep an eye out for our location’s and dates in 2023
At the January 2022 Ordinary Council meeting, the General Manager announced an initiative to help increase engagement with our community on the progress of important initiatives. The introduction of community conversations within local communities are an opportunity for residents, community groups and businesses to work with Council to identify priorities and issues in their local communities.