The committee is chaired by Councillor Sally Doyle and is made up of representatives of community groups and sporting clubs who have an interest in the recreation area. These groups include the Huon Valley Little Athletics Centre, Huonville Football Club, Huon Netball Association, Huon Valley Soccer Club, Huon Valley Aquatic Club, Huonville Cricket Club, Huon Valley PCYC, Huonville Scout and Guide Hall Committee, Huon Valley Dog Walking Association, Huon RSLA Sub-branch.
The primary role of the committee is to liaise with the Council on the development of sporting and recreation facilities and administration matters associated with the Huonville recreation area.
Members of the public who are not on the committee are welcome to attend meetings as observers or may be invited to participate in discussions as a guest speaker by prior arrangement with a council officer and with the approval of the Chairperson.
Agendas, minutes and projects
Minutes of the meeting can be found at: