Mobile Food Business Registration
An annual mobile food business registration is approval under the Food Act 2003 to operate a food van or stall across Tasmania and is renewed every financial year. You will need to apply to be registered with the local Council where you garage your food van or store your stall equipment. To apply for a mobile food business registration with Huon Valley Council, complete and submit the following application form.
The completed form can be emailed to or submitted at the Council service counter. Once the application has been assessed and the food van or stall has been inspected, a risk classification will be assigned and you will be invoiced for the associated fee.
While the registration grants approval to trade as a food business under the Food Act 2003, it does not cover approval for specific trading locations. See below for further information.
Mobile Food Business Guidelines
Mobile food vans and stalls must be set up and operated in accordance with the Guidelines for Mobile Food Businesses developed by the Tasmanian Department of Health. This document outlines the design, construction and fit-out of food vans and stalls and also their operational requirements.
Mobile Food Business Trading Locations
Events and markets are good opportunities to trade with a mobile food business and will usually only require the approval of the market or event coordinator. Most events and markets are happy to accept both food vans and stalls.
For a mobile food business to trade on Council land outside of events and markets, it must have the following approvals;
- Be a registered food van or similar vehicle. Stalls are not permitted.
- Have a current registration as a mobile food business under the Food Act 2003.
- Have a current Council roadside trading permit
For more information on roadside trading permits, consult the Roadside Trading Guide or call Council and ask to speak to someone in the Infrastructure Department prior to completing a roadside trading permit application.
Trading on private land with a mobile food business outside of events and markets may require planning approval. For more information, call Council and ask to speak to someone in the Planning Department.
Temporary Mobile Food Businesses
If you are planning a once-off food event, then you can apply to be registered for one day or more using the above application form.