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Port Huon to Geeveston walking track


For many years, the Huon Valley community has expressed a desire for a walking path that links Port Huon to Geeveston.

Council was recently successful in obtaining a $1,250,000 grant from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional, Development and Communications for the construction of approximately 3km of walking track to link the two towns. Council has allocated $365,000 to the project.

The project proposal includes a gravel walking track that connects the existing Brownell Street, Geeveston Footpath to Sacred Heart School, providing a pedestrian bridge over the Kermandie River. Following the school, the walking track will cross the Huon Highway at Doodys Hill Road, and continue along the water’s edge via a raised walking track to the Port Huon Sports & Aquatic Centre.

Local contractors will be used to supply and construct the walking track.

A copy of the draft plan can be found here.


May 2021

Construction of the boardwalk has commenced and work continues on the path.

April 2021

New concrete kerb, channel and footpath are being installed along the Huon Highway at Geeveston.

November 2020

Work on the concrete section of footpath has been completed and work continues on the gravel section along the Huon Highway.

Update October 2020

Council has received the required lease and development application approval from Crown Land. A Development Application has now been submitted to Council’s Planning Department.

Project Cycle

  1. Permits
  2. Procurement
  3. Planning Approvals
  4. Implementation
  5. Project Completed