Education and career choices are changing for young people in the Valley
Huon Valley Parents Matter media release:
Huon Valley Parents Matter launches a user-friendly web portal and Facebook page to help parents navigate study and career options post-COVID.
Help is here for Huon Valley parents and carers to navigate educational and career options for their children after they finish Year 10. The Huon Valley Parents Matter group has launched a dedicated web portal for students in Years 5–8. The website contains helpful links and videos that provide information about the choices that local young people have, including completion of Year 11 and 12, tertiary education, vocational education and training, and employment options.
“We’ve created the site to be a simple one-stop-shop that parents and carers can use instead of having to navigate a multitude of portals to find the information they need,” says Donovan Szypura, Project Coordinator for Huon Valley Parents Matter.
“There are some terrific videos and information on our new Facebook page, including interviews with local educators and employers from the Huon Valley who I’m sure everyone will recognise.
“It’s never too soon to start to talk with your kids about what they want to be when they grow up, and we hope that the information we have pulled together helps you feel confident to explore the options with them.”
The Huon Valley Parents Matter group formed in April 2020 as part of a program run by the University of Tasmania and facilitated by the Huon Valley Council. The program supports parents and carers to navigate their child’s education and career options after Year 10. It is part of a pilot study that has been rolled out in a small number of areas across Australia to see what difference can be achieved by community groups that are led by parents.
The volunteer team is made up of parents and community members who live in the Valley and are passionate about young people reaching their potential and achieving their aspirations.
An online Q & A session at the Huon Valley Trade Training Centre will be live streamed to the Parents Matter Huon Valley Facebook page on Thursday 26 November, between 4:30pm and 6pm. Parents and carers can tune into the session and listen to a panel of experts answer those tricky questions they might be struggling with.
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Media spokesperson
Donovan Szypura, Project Coordinator: 0499 834 897 or
Feature image: Huon Valley Parents Matter Voluntary Team: Liz Connor (community contact), Jackie Neill, Donovan Szypura, Sara Anderson, Milca Perez, Melanie Thayer, Stephanie Shoebridge. Image by Milca Perez, April 2020.