Funeral home to be built adjacent to the Huon Lawn Cemetery
A new, full-service funeral home will be built at the Huon Lawn Cemetery, following the completion of an expression of interest (EOI) process undertaken by the Huon Valley Council. Millingtons Funeral Services, which operates under the brands Millingtons and Huon Funerals, has come to an agreement with the Huon Valley Council to acquire the vacant land adjacent to the Huon Lawn Cemetery.
“Millingtons Funeral Services submitted a well-planned proposal for the site that will provide benefits to our community for now and in the long term,” Huon Valley Council Mayor Bec Enders said. “Population growth in the Huon Valley is expected to grow by 21.3 per cent between 2017 and 2042 and this is an essential community service that is needed in the Valley.
“The funeral home proposed by Millingtons will provide a full range of services. The design includes a level-access chapel with state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment, refreshment area, private viewing room, arrangements rooms, a mortuary and car parking. There will also be an outdoor area where families can intern their loved ones’ cremated remains.”
“This partnership will enable important developments at the Huon Lawn Cemetery to meet the requirements of our growing, aging population.”
Cr Enders added, “Another benefit of Millingtons’ proposal was that it allows opportunities to expand the range of services and facilities offered to residents at the Huon Lawn Cemetery. As part of the purchase of the land, a covenant will be entered into that restricts use of the land to funeral and cemetery-related purposes into the future. This was also a requirement of the EOI process that commenced in early July 2020, to ensure the site will continue to provide our community with ongoing access to cemetery and memorialisation services.”
Vacant land adjacent to the Huon Lawn Cemetery has been newly secured by Millingtons.
Huon Valley Council will continue to manage the rest of the Huon Lawn Cemetery, and will be able to reinvest the money from the sale of the vacant land into improving the amenity and aging infrastructure at the cemetery itself.
The Huon Valley Council has recently completed and signed contract negotiations with Millingtons, who will now lodge a development application. Council will be responsible for the subdivision.
General Manager of Millingtons/Huon Funerals, Travis Tann, said, “Huon Funerals has been servicing the Huon and Channel since 1977 and we are delighted to expand our service offering to include a larger chapel and full-service facility, conveniently located adjacent to the Huon Lawn Cemetery.
“The new mortuary facilities will also enable deceased loved ones to remain in the Huon right up until the time of the funeral service, which we know is important to long-term residents of the region.”
“We are pleased to be able to enter a good working partnership with Millingtons,” said Cr Enders. “This partnership will enable important developments at the Huon Lawn Cemetery to meet the requirements of our growing, aging population.”
For more information about the EOI process for the Huon Lawn Cemetery, visit Have Your Say.