Have Your Say: Franklin Master Plan Stage 3 – Sporting Precinct
The Franklin foreshore area has been a focal point for rowing, cricket, football, cycling and other sports since the 1800’s and is strongly linked with the early history of Franklin’s settlement and the development of the Huon Valley.
The draft Franklin Master Plan Stage 3 – Sporting Precinct will allow Council to plan for future development of the area and seek funding when available.
The purpose of the project is to:
- Promote the use of the Franklin foreshore area and support measures to increase community access to the foreshore and create a sporting precinct that can be enjoyed by the community
- Improve pedestrian access from the existing walking track to the Franklin Oval
- Provide improved sports facilities including cricket training nets, handball court and tennis rebound wall
Visit Have Your Say to:
- View the draft master plan
- Tell us what you think by taking a short survey (closes 5pm 22 May 2020)