Have Your Say on reconciliation in the Valley
We are currently developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which will guide and drive our reconciliation efforts as an organisation.
As a ‘Reflect’ RAP, it will scope our capacity for reconciliation and set out actions that will prepare our organisation for the journey ahead.
We want to hear your ideas and desires for reconciliation in our community.
Take the survey now on Have Your Say and tell us what reconciliation means to you, and how you want to see Council move forward on this important journey (closes Wed 16 Dec).
You can also contact us on (03) 6264 0300 or via hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au for a private discussion.
We are particularly keen to hear from Aboriginal people and groups in the Huon Valley to ensure your aspirations for reconciliation action in our community are reflected in the plan.
Feature image: From the Valley by Reuben Oates