Huon Valley Council delivers 2021/22 budget
At the 23 June Council meeting, the Huon Valley Council delivered the budget for the 2021/22 financial year. The budget sees Council return to more normal operations following the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting a smooth road to recovery for Council and the community.
The previous budget focused on softening the blow of the pandemic for our communities, providing a number of assistance measures, including a 0% increase to the General Rate.
The 2021/22 budget includes:
- 4.95% General Rate increase
- $6,260,000 capital works program, including $2,780,000 for the road network
- Funding to develop a community vision and new strategic plan
- A new position to progress priority infrastructure projects
- Expanded audit program to improve governance
- Cyber security programs for Council’s IT network
- The continuation of local youth and health programs that were previously externally funded
- An increase in kerbside recycling and kerbside waste collection service charges to reflect increased costs, including the introduction of the State Government state-wide waste levy estimated at $91,000
- A general increase to fees and charges of around 3%, in line with Council’s long-term financial plan
- Increased investment in work health and safety management systems
- A strategic review of services
The budget forecasts an underlying operating deficit to Council of $374,000. This normally would not be desirable, but is necessary to ensure rate increases are not burdening ratepayers on the road back to operating surplus.
The Council is committed to a full review of the Financial Management Strategy in 2021/2022.
“The rate increase, alongside Council’s charges endorsed last month, will fund the important services and projects our community needs as well as a range of new initiatives that will enable us to move forward with actions in our 2021/22 Annual Plan,” Huon Valley Council Mayor Bec Enders said.
“The Annual Plan was endorsed alongside the budget document at the Council meeting. This document outlines the work we will be doing in the next financial year to meet the objectives of our Strategic Plan 2015–25.”
The budget document and Annual Plan are available on the Meetings page under 23 June and at the Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.