Huon Valley Workforce Planning Study released
The Huon Valley Council is committed to supporting local workforce growth across our region’s primary and growth sectors.
We are pleased to release the Huon Valley Workforce Planning Study, which identifies issues impacting on our workforce and provides a strong understanding of our future planning needs and development opportunities.
The study has been developed through workforce planning expertise and consultation with industry and community stakeholders, supported with the latest economic data and information.
The study report provides a clear plan to support and improve future workforce participation and development in the Huon Valley, noting key actions that all stakeholders – including Council, industry, local employers, training and support intermediaries, as well as employees – will together own and deliver.
Council is committed to progressing the study’s recommendations, as budget and external funding becomes available.
The Workforce Planning Study is available to view on our Reports & Publications page, and you can read a hardcopy at our Customer Service Centre at 40 Main Street, Huonville.
More information is available on Have Your Say. If you have further questions about the study, please call us on (03) 6264 0300 or email