The #huonyouth project celebrates local young people and what they love about living in the Huon Valley.
Launching during Youth Week 2020 (1–8 April) as part of the Huon Beings program, this portrait series profiles four local young people and highlights their experience of living in a rural and remote community.
The project will be rolled out on the Huon Beings Instagram page, where young people throughout the Huon Valley are encouraged to add their voice using the #huonyouth and #huonbeings hashtags.
We are asking young people to share a photo that means something to them and answer the question below.
Why do YOU love the Huon Valley?
The Huon Beings #huonyouth campaign is supported by the Huon Valley Youth Committee, Huon Valley Council, Libraries Tasmania and the Terror Australis Readers and Writers Festival as a way of celebrating and recognising young people from across the Huon Valley.