Huon Valley Service Providers Network

huon valley servcie providers network logo

The Huon Valley Service Provider Network supports greater coordination, communication and connections across government and community service providers to support the health and wellbeing of the Huon Valley community.

The Network provides a platform for a strong, collaborative and cooperative service system resulting in improved communication and information sharing.

Service Providers are better informed about what services are available across the Huon Valley and where assistance for community and clients can be found.

The Network aims to make it easier for the community to connect with services and access the information that supports them to be healthy and well.

All government and community organisations that service the Huon Valley are welcome to join.

Network members receive regular E-News updates and invitations to participate in professional development and networking opportunities.

For enquiries, please contact:

Huon Valley Council’s Community Connector
Phone: (03) 6264 0300

Street Address: 40 Main Street, Huonville
Postal Address: PO Box 210, Huonville TAS 7109

Huon Valley Council are proud to support the Huon Valley Service Providers Network.

Huon Valley Special Interest Groups

A variety of focus groups meet to discuss local issues and projects and to share ideas and resources.

All focus groups welcome participation from service providers and passionate locals who have a special interest in that area.

Groups generally meet quarterly and/or around the development and delivery of local projects.

Groups and their primary contact are listed below.


Mental Health

Contact: Huon Valley Council –  Mental Health & Resilience Officer

T: 6264 0300



Child and Family

Contact: Huon Valley Council –  Youth Development Officer

T: 6264 0300




Contact: Huon Valley Council –  Youth Development Officer

T: 6264 0300



Positive Ageing

Contact: Huon Valley Council –  Health and Wellbeing Officer

T: 6264 0300



Education, Training, Employment and Literacy

Contact: Huonville Library, Literacy Coordinator

T: 6121 7016




Contact: Circular Economy Huon

FB: Facebook


Huon Valley Directory

Our local directory helps community to find and support Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing businesses, services and groups.

We encourage all programs and groups that service the Huon Valley to register in the Huon Valley health and medical services directory.

Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Reviews and Report

Stay Informed

Subscribe to our email newsletter for regular news, activities and professional development networking opportunities.