Young people get ‘In the Zone’ at Huonville Skate Park
There was plenty of fun to be had at the ‘In the Zone’ youth event held at the Huonville Skate Park on Wednesday 9 October, with people of all ages getting involved in group artmaking, giant Jenga and Connect 4 stations, and a ‘gripping’ tug of war between the Huon Valley Youth Committee and Councillors, and supporters!
The event was made possible thanks to Huon Valley Youth Committee, Council staff, the Mental Health Council of Tasmania, and the Tasmanian Government, with fantastic stalls provided on the day by headspace, Pulse Youth Health South, the South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (SETAC), and the Salvation Army.
Our Communications & Media team captured it all on camera – watch the video and browse the photos below!
Be sure to follow HVC Youth Services and Huon Valley Council on Facebook and check out our Events page to keep in the know about other great community events coming up near you.
There were a number of information stalls to peruse and game stations to enjoy.
Council’s Dover After School Activities Project Officer Peter and son Tobias lent a hand to the Huon Valley Youth Committee on one end of the rope.
Huon Valley Council Mayor Bec Enders, Cr Juarne Bird, Deputy Mayor Sally Doyle, Cr Paul Gibson and Cr Mark O’May proved themselves a strong team.
Council’s Digital Arts & Cultural Development Officer Mick took a break from filming the event to play the important role of MC.
An art station was set up for people to contribute their own unique art style to a beautiful group artwork.
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle tree.