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Huon Valley Jobs Hub


Regional Jobs Hubs have been established by the State Government to help more Tasmanians into work. They bring local employers together with job seekers providing dedicated employment support services including career counselling, advice on how to get job ready, and transport options.

The Southern Training and Employment Network is one of seven regional jobs hubs in Tasmania. Once established, it will encompass the Huon Valley and Kingborough municipalities.

The aim of the network is to provide a free service to help people in the Huon Valley and Kingborough municipalities find local jobs, ultimately giving more community members the opportunity to live and work in the place they call home.

It is community focused and helps both job seekers and local employers.


Last October it was announced that the State Government had allocated $1.625 million over three years for Huon Valley Council to facilitate the delivery of a regional jobs hub to service job seekers and businesses in the Huon Valley, Channel and Bruny Island region in partnership with the local community.

The Tasmanian Government is supporting a Network of Jobs Hubs in regional areas across the State. The aim is to provide more Tasmanians the opportunity to live and work in the place they call home.  Jobs Hubs bring local industry and local workers together, and work with job seekers to address barriers to work, such as access to employment related skills and transport.

Regional Jobs Hubs will be supported by Jobs Tasmania in the Department of State Growth, to deliver common overhead supports, workforce analysis and data mapping.

At the October 2021 Ordinary Meeting of Council Resolution No. 15.027/21* it was resolved that Council would act as the lead agency in the establishment of the Huon Valley Jobs Hub through a single authority under Section 30 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is Council’s intention that the term of the Huon Valley Jobs Hub Authority (HVJHA) will be for three (3) years in line with grant funding secured through Jobs Tasmania. The single authority would be established having oversight and independence in delivery of the Hub and its services/activities.

The Objectives and Goals of the HVJHA are to:

  • Increase employment
  • Increase workforce participation
  • Increase engagement with formal education and training

In February we invited the community to review and provide feedback on the Draft Rules for the Huon Valley Jobs Hub Single Authority. This feedback has been received and a report containing the feedback was presented at the Council Meeting on 23 February.

We are now calling for Expressions of Interest for Director positions on the Board of the Authority. Directors will be appointed by Council and based on merit, through a transparent
process, and in alignment with the objective and goals, and ability to manage the financial and strategic affairs of the Authority.

The role of the board will provide oversight delivery and coordination of activities in the Huon Valley and Kingborough regions that support the objective to increase employment, workforce participation or re-engagement with formal education and training.

The Authority is seeking representation from both the Huon Valley and Kingborough communities to represent the views of employers, job seekers, diverse population groups across both regions.

The Board of the Huon Valley Jobs Hub Authority will be skill based comprise of a maximum of ten (10) Directors:

  • One of who will be appointed as Chair;
  • One will be the General Manager (Huon Valley Council; and
  • One will be the General Manager (Kingborough Council).

The minimum number of Directors for the operation of the Board shall be seven (7).

Directors will be appointed by Huon Valley Council, based on merit, through a transparent process, and in alignment with the objectives and goals, and ability to manage the financial and strategic affairs of the Authority. The Expressions of Interest process will be open for up to 14 days.

Update: August 2022

Following calls for Expressions of Interest for the Huon Valley Jobs Hub Authority in May 2022, Council reviewed the applications and made recommendations to appoint 8 Directors to the Jobs Hub Authority at the 15 June 2022 Special Council Meeting (Closed).

Council has informed the successful applicants and further announcements will be made public after their first meeting in late August 2022. This was mentioned in the GM Operational Report of the Ordinary Council Meeting July 2022. you can find the document in the Document Library or click HERE 

Key Dates

  • 20/1/2022 Engagement opens
  • 11/2/2022 Engagement closes
  • 23/2/2022 Council Meeting
  • 26/4/2022 Expressions of Interest for Board Directors Opens
  • 20/5/2022 Expressions of Interest for Board Directors Closes

Project Cycle

  1. Engagement opens
  2. Engagement closes
  3. Under review
  4. Council meeting
  5. Expressions of Interest
  6. Council meeting
  7. Appointment
  8. Establishment of Huon Valley Jobs Hub Authority