Details of a public meeting about the sale of public land containing the Cygnet Medical Centre at 14 George Street, Cygnet are as follows.
Location of Public Meeting
Huonville Town Hall at 40 Main Street, Huonville
Pre-Meeting – Submissions
- Any person can lodge a submission in relation to the proposed sale of the Cygnet Medical Centre. The submission can be any length.
- Submissions close at midnight, Friday 11 October 2019.
- Submissions can be lodged addressed to the General Manager:
- On the Council’s website using the form below
- In person at the Customer Service Centre, 40 Main Street, Huonville
- By email to or
- Post to PO Box 210, Huonville, 7109.
Do you have a question about the Cygnet Medical Centre?
Please visit the Cygnet Medical Centre Question and Answer Page to submit your question.
Submission Form – Now Closed
Submissions received can be viewed here
Lodge a Motion to be tabled at the Public Meeting – Now Closed
At the Meeting
- The meeting is to be chaired by the Mayor and will proceed for no more than two (2) hours.
- A summary of all submissions made will be available in hard copy for all persons attending the meeting.
- Any motions sought to be presented to the Meeting must be given on notice at least seven (7) days before the Meeting to be considered. Motions not given on notice will not be accepted at the meeting.
- A motion must be moved and seconded.
- The person moving a motion may speak for no more than three (3) minutes.
- All other persons may speak for not more than two (2) minutes.
- The person moving the motion has a right of reply of up to one (1) minute and must not introduce any new information in exercising that right.
- Procedural motions may only be made at the discretion of the Chairperson who must consider whether all those who wish to have an opportunity to speak have had that opportunity.
- The Chairperson is to determine the vote by a show of hands.
- A person may move a motion to amend a motion if that person has not moved or seconded the original motion.
The Agenda for the meeting is to be as follows:
- Present
- Apologies
- Chairpersons welcome and introduction
- Noting of summary of submissions
- Presentation by or on behalf of E Smith as lodger for the petition not more than 10 minutes
- Discussion/Motions
- Closure
The Minutes of the next ordinary meeting of the Council following the public meeting (30 October 2019) will record a summary of any submissions received and any decision made at the public meeting.
Background Information
Background Information Summary
Background Information Summary – updated 11 Oct 2019
Council Minutes containing the decision to sell the Medical Centre
Documents from the Information Session in March 2019
Petition requesting the Public Meeting
Financial Summary for HVC Cygnet Medical Services
Financial Summary for HVC Cygnet Medical Services – updated 11 Oct 2019