Supporting you during COVID-19
We understand at times there are circumstances outside our control that can place pressure on our ability to meet our financial commitments. The current public health measures in place due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation are having a significant impact on the economy which is resulting in people becoming unemployed and experiencing financial hardship.
To assist, the Huon Valley Council has developed a Financial Hardship and Payment Assistance Policy, which provides assistance to ratepayers and community members experiencing difficulty in meeting financial obligations to Council due to genuine financial hardship.
You may be eligible for hardship assistance, where:
- You are unable to pay amounts when due and payable for reasons beyond your control (including due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis); and
- Payment when due would cause you genuine financial hardship.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, you are encouraged to
apply for assistance as soon as possible for:
- Alternate and flexible payment arrangements of rates;
- Deferral of the payment of rates (ie. paying rates after they would normally be due); or
- Deferral or waiver in relation to Council fees or charges.
Council is willing to work with you to tailor a payment arrangement to suit your specific circumstances and encourage you to complete an application form.
- Read Council’s Policy
- Download the Hardship Application Form
If you would like to chat with Council’s Rates Officer you can ring 03 6264 0300 or email